Amphi 1 - PLENIERE - 07/02/2018 17:00 > 18:00

Operations Research at Google

For many aspects, Google could be seen as a dream job for an Operations Research practitioner. Its vast inventory of resources (machines, persons, space) and objects (projects, jobs, persons) expand the opportunities of optimization beyond the usual. But the reality is more challenging, and implementing OR solution require more skills that just problem modeling and problem solving. During this presentation, we will present the technologies we use at Google, and we will discuss how to maximize the chance of success and how to minimize the wasted time on failed projects.

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Laurent Perron
Software Engineer. Laurent Perron co-founded the Operations Research team at Google 10 years ago. Before that, he spent 11 years at ILOG, working on the Constraint Programming solver, and ended up as Chief Architect of the ILOG Optimization Suite.

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